Dine and Dialogue

Dine & Dialogue
The Dine and Dialogue program (formerly Dish & Discuss), a recurring dialogue series at the CCID, is designed specifically for the Caltech community. It provides a platform to discuss topics that are directly relevant to our community, such as inclusion, diversity, equity, accessibility, and social justice. The series aims to bridge the gap between current themes at Caltech and broader societal issues, fostering a sense of connection and engagement.
The Dine and Dialogue program has delved into a diverse array of topics, including Black Feminist Thought, Oppression Olympics, and Cultural Appropriation to name a few. This variety ensures that there's something for everyone in our community, making each member feel included and catered to.
We invite you to join our next Dine & Dialogue event. Your active participation is crucial to the success of our program.