First-Year Success Research Institute (FSRI)

First-Year Success Research Institute (FSRI)
The First-Year Success Research Institute (FSRI) offers a transformative summer residential experience for incoming first-year undergraduates.
Our programming is comprised of a comprehensive summer orientation, academic program, engaging research project, and community-building activities. FSRI facilitates a successful transition from high school (or community college) to Caltech by using a living-learning community model to help students adapt to collaborative learning, build a solid research foundation, receive mentorship from dedicated staff and faculty, and develop meaningful relationships within a community of like-minded peers.
FSRI promotes STEM academic success and community building in an inclusive, diverse and enriching environment; it is designed to provide a space in which all Caltech first-year students, including those who come from communities with fewer educational opportunities, can feel a sense of belonging within Caltech.
This first-year experience begins in the summer prior to students' first term at Caltech and all major expenses are covered for students admitted to the program (e.g. travel to Caltech, housing, meals, bedding and toiletries, field trips, etc.). Programming and student support services continue into the academic year. Students remain a part of the FSRI community throughout their undergraduate career at Caltech and beyond graduation.
Students admitted to Caltech may apply through their Beaver Breakroom portal starting December 6, 2024.
Priority deadline: March 7, 2025 (9:00 am Pacific Time)*
Final deadline: April 18, 2025 (9:00 am Pacific Time)
Students admitted to FSRI will need to matriculate at Caltech by the May 1 deadline to secure their place in the program.
FSRI summer programming includes:
- Asynchronous Math 0 (Transition to Mathematical Proofs) modules
- 3-week virtual (synchronous) computer programming course
- 6-week introductory course to Caltech mathematics
- 5-week scientific writing course
- 5-week summer research assignment with a Caltech faculty member, postdoctoral scholar, or graduate student
- Professional development workshops and introduction to campus resources
- Research poster development and presentation
- FSRI Peer Mentoring Program
- Group field trips (e.g. Santa Monica Beach, Downtown Los Angeles, Universal Studios, etc.)
- Service-learning project
- Fun social activities
Some important 2025 FSRI summer dates:
- June - July: Virtual (asynchronous) Math 0 - Intro to Mathematical Proofs course
- July 7 - August 1: Virtual (synchronous) Intro to Computer Programming course
- August 3: Move-in day to Caltech
- August 4 - September 20: In-person programming begins (residential experience, workshops, research projects, Intro to Caltech Mathematics course, Scientific Writing course)
- October 2025 - June 2026: On-going academic year programming
FSRI continues into the academic year with programming for all FSRI cohorts (first-years, sophomores, juniors, and seniors).
Our academic year programming includes:
- On-going student support services from dedicated FSRI staff
- FSRI Peer Mentoring Program
- Professional development workshops and opportunities
- Faculty lunch talks
- Networking events with alumni
- Filed trips and fun social events
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Monday - Friday
1200 E California Blvd
Mail Code MC 255-86
Pasadena, California 91125